7 Oct 2012

The Great Thursday Tune: Matthew P - Long straight lines

Better late than never.  Cruising the internet for new and refreshing music as I do again this week, I came across a native of Suffolk, South East England, Matthew P.

His album, Long Straight Lines is a great listen;  I must have listened to it for a total of five hours in the two days I spent on the road this week.  It's such a refreshing and uplifting listen that it's difficult to pick one favourite track, but it's a toss-up between the title track, Long Straight Lines and Hey Lady.

As I always say, listening to individual tracks is like getting a great book and flicking into a chapter where the protagonist is having sex with a 6ft tall Swedish blonde.  That's not what you do; so why do it with a great album?  Get the whole album and join our hero on his journey from the courting the blonde beauty to the heart wrenching break-up.

If you're in England, you're in luck because Matthew is on tour and the dates are on his website.

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